Campus & City Parking

Beloit College has multiple parking areas for students, parking areas that are open to everyone, and some that are no overnight parking allowed. You can find a map of these locations with descriptions below. Please contact Security at 608-363-2355 if you need assistance locating the appropriate parking lots, or if you have any questions. 

Campus Parking

Parking Permits

Students, faculty, and staff who drive and/or park on campus are required to register their vehicles with the Security Department and to display their parking permits as directed.

Campus Parking Regulations

  • Students who were not awarded a parking permit, or did not apply for a permit, will need to park their vehicles on the city streets. The City of Beloit tickets on the public streets via its own parking regulations which are copied at the bottom of this page.
  • Students who received parking permits are expected to obey all campus parking regulations and to park only in the designated student parking areas.
  • Having a parking permit does not reserve anyone a specific parking space near their building.
  • Parking is prohibited in fire lanes, where the curbs are painted yellow, or in areas designated as “No Parking”
  • Security will ticket vehicles on campus property throughout every semester as needed. Call us if you find an unregistered vehicle consistently parking in a student or reserved space so it can be ticketed.
  • If Security tickets a vehicle multiple times and is unable to find the owner, they will attempt to contact the vehicle’s registered owner by utilizing the Beloit Police Department. If they are still unable to find the owner, a local towing company will be contacted to have it removed from the college property at the owner’s expense.

Beloit College issues tickets for the following:

Campus Parking Map

You can find a map of the campus with designated parking spots by clicking on the link above or on the left sidebar of this page.

City Parking Regulations

The City of Beloit’s alternate overnight parking ordinance requires parking on the even-numbered side of the street on even-numbered calendar days and parking on the odd side of the street on odd-numbered days. This is always the case unless otherwise posted by official traffic signs. Further details about this ordinance are provided in the student handbook.

What is alternate overnight parking? The City of Beloit has an ordinance for alternate overnight parking. This is year round – not just in the winter. You must park on the even numbered (house numbers) side of the street on even numbered calendar days. This is in effect from 12:00 midnight until 7:00 a.m.

For example: You park your vehicle on Sept. 1 at 7:00 p.m. You should park on the even numbered side of the street as enforcement will occur after midnight of the next days date, which would be Sept. 2. Some months have 31 days – if you park your vehicle on the 31st, you need to park on the odd side of the street because the next day is the 1st, another odd numbered day.

Call the Municipal Court at (608) 364-6613 if you have any further questions.

Updated/Reviewed 2024-07-02

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