
As we round the next corner, are you 都在 for 贝洛伊特?

A few weeks ago, we welcomed 更多的 than 300 new students. And in what may become a brilliant new tradition, we held Convocation outside. It lasted all of 30 minutes before we processed, 无标记, to a campus-wide picnic where our returning students provided a rousing welcome.

这是光荣的. 你会喜欢的.

斯科特·比尔曼总裁 speaks to the Class of 2025 during the 2021 Convocation ceremony. 图片来源:Nicolas Doret ' 24

Like everyone, we had our operations upended by the pandemic last year. 但是我们没有浪费时间去调整. 事实上, we became a national leader in how institutions of higher education should tackle this once-in-a-century pandemic. We reset our academic calendar, inspiring other schools to do the same.

We immediately engaged students to create and enforce new health protocols — a particularly 贝洛伊特 approach that paid off handsomely with extremely low rates of Covid exposure or transmission.

Faculty re-conceived every single course offered and did so to the highest of standards, knowing that our students were deserving of the very best curriculum, 特别是在大流行期间.

我们重新构想了 下面的行动计划, aimed at making the highly individualized education that sets 贝洛伊特 apart even 更多的 relevant in today’s fast-changing world. 贝洛伊特现在提出:

高级辅导计划, or AMP, which connects new students with an advisor within their first 72 hours of depositing.

职业工作, a powerful program connecting college to careers, and students to our alumni through the 电网, a group of alumni and friends of the college who have excelled in the professional industries our students are drawn to; and 偷情者帮助偷情者, which matches seniors with alumni in their fields.

Financial aid packages that help students and their families keep pace with today’s cost of higher education.

这些变化正在取得成效. 即使在全球大流行期间, 贝洛伊特 was able to offer students a safe, personal residential campus experience and, 结果是, we have beat our enrollment targets for 2021-22.

与此同时, 的大国, 我们的特制, 能源效率, and sustainable student union and 贝洛伊特 gathering place, 继续积累 .

我们刚刚结束了我们的财政年度. First, I want to thank every single member of our community who executed at the highest level. We took a tremendous step toward financial stability and long-term viability.

As you know, our five-year financial model governs virtually all economic decisions that we make. 这是我们通往健康未来的地图. 的 plan assumes we will realistically improve enrollment and retention, 控制开支, and raise 更多的 unrestricted dollars to help us with the operating budget bottom line.

We are entering the third year of the plan, which has called for operating deficits for the next three years, 后 which we will cross over the break-even point to sustainable financial health.

伯洛伊特行动计划 ensures continued enrollment and retention success while the financial plan ensures those successes are translated into long-run financial health. 这是一个良性循环.

Through a combination of cost savings and revenue enhancements associated with the pandemic, we 消除 a predicted deficit 今年 and even realized a small surplus. This tells us that our plans are working, and our financial future looks brighter.

如果我们坚持下去, we will achieve the lofty goals of both the strategic plan and the five-year financial plan.

但还有更多工作要做. For 贝洛伊特 to fully implement its Action Plan, we must cover existing financial gaps until enrollment and net tuition revenue fully rebound.

Cam and Renee Murray, both 1980 graduates who met and fell in love here, know what I’m talking about.

“贝洛伊特 needs a bigger push to round this corner and make sure generations of students will continue to benefit from 贝洛伊特’s unique educational opportunities and culture,卡姆说。. “That’s one of the reasons we’ve increased 我们的年度礼物 今年.”

另一个原因是,蕾妮补充说, “is being part of the 贝洛伊特 family and recognizing how the special interactions when we were students ended up meaning so much. 的re isn’t a 贝洛伊特er we know who doesn’t have a similar story about a professor or advisor who was ‘all in’ and went the extra mile.”

Look for some opportunities in the next few weeks to tell us who was 都在 for you when you were a 贝洛伊特 student, and why you’re 都在 现在去伯洛伊特学院.



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